Self Care

Jill here. Hi!
Several weeks ago I was gifted a massage by one of the lovely people I work with. You know those people that genuinely care about others' well-being? 
How amazing is it to have an otherwise perfect stranger hear your story and know what's going on in your life and find it in their kind hearts to gift you with something that helps take care of you. Where do you find these people?!
    I have never had a massage before. To be honest, they kind of scare me. I am a very private person with a very large personal space bubble, so I didn't quite know what to think when I was first gifted this. So many things crossed through my mind! Who is this person that's going to be touching me for an hour?  Is it relaxing? Will I be strapped down to a table with someone punching and kneading my back like bread dough while I'm screaming out in pain? Do I have to get nakey? Let me tell you about it. 
    I have never really done "self-care" type things. I'm not sure why...maybe because I felt I hadn't worked hard enough to need it. Maybe I couldn't find the time. But I went into this with an open mind. I absolutely gave myself a pep talk before going in. I also Googled what to expect at your first massage! (I like to be prepared, okay?) Well, friends. I'm here to say...It was wonderful. I went in as calm as could be, ready to get naked in front of a stranger that was going to rub my body down for an hour. I am blushing writing this, guys. And you know what? I relaxed. I didn't allow myself to get caught up in my own head. I was naked. There was a random lady in my bubble. And I. Didn't. Care! The music was soft, the lighting was soft, the energy was easy. The masseuse and I talked the whole time (this is not always the norm, usually they are quiet and just let you lay in peace, but I like to talk). Want to know what we talked about?! Dogs! Anyone that knows me knows I love this subject matter, so it made me feel comfortable right away. I left that little cottage feeling all kinds of renewed. It was a mix of feeling like I was drunk and drowsy, and also like I could take on the world (just let me finish my complimentary glass of water first!). 
    Please, please, please make time to care for yourself. It can make all the difference in your day, week, month. This is rich coming from me! Even if it's just getting your favorite meal, or purchasing those boots you've been eyeing. Get yourself a facial! Get a massage! Go on a drive! Whatever soothes you and helps you along your journey, please make time for it. And if you're feeling particularly sassy, step out of your comfort zone. Try something new. You might hate it, but at least you tried. Or you might come out of it feeling like Wonder Woman! (If you're like me, you might just feel like you want to take a nap, and that's okay, too). 
Love you. Okay bye.


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