About Us-Part 2

Hello world, nice to meet you!

I am Natalie (Nat for short), the other half of the dynamic blogging duo Pits ‘n’ Pans. Welcome! I am the human slave of Cooter the Lab/Doberman/German Shepherd, Douglas the black and white kitty cat, Abigail the Appaloosa, and Adobe and Stoney, two miniature donkeys.

By day I am an office chump. I sit in front of a computer and peck away at a keyboard. Most evenings of mine are spent practicing calligraphy (I love sharing tips if you’re interested!) or reading the latest book to cross my path (book club anyone?). On weekends, I try to explore outside when it’s not raining, and when it is I try to find fun local spots that allow my pooch to come along.

Between Jill and summers spent watching the Food Network, I developed a love of food. Eating it, making it…mostly eating whatever Jill makes. But since Jill has entered that domestic, might-as-well-be-married life I’m having to fend for my own self, and have been proclaimed Queen of the One Pot Meal. My crown got lost in the mail-otherwise I’d insert a picture.

I’m taking life day by day. My interests run far and wide and I’m still trying to figure out where my niche is. So, buckle up and let’s get this show on the road!


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